Temporary withdrawal of a vehicle
The respective vehicle registration body (district office) runs the deposit of the vehicle registration (plate) number and the road vehicle registration certificate for the temporary withdrawal of a vehicle from the Road Vehicles Register.
Under the law § 15 (5) of the Act No.168/1999 Coll., on liability insurance for damage caused by operation of vehicle, as amended a vehicle owner is obliged to conclude a new liability insurance contract within 14 days of the previous one expiring and if he/she does not do so, he/she is obliged to deposit the vehicle registration (plate) number (hereinafter “plate number”) and the road vehicle registration certificate (hereinafter “registration certificate”) to the district office within the same period.
What are the reasons for introduction of this legal duty?
Temporary withdrawal of a vehicle from the Road Vehicles Register does not only prevent the operation of vehicles without liability insurance, even temporarily, on the publicly accessible roads and minimise the undesirable consequences arising from damage caused by the operation of such uninsured vehicles (paying benefits to injured parties places a significant burden on the Czech Insurers’ Bureau guarantee fund and topping it up always affects the insurance premiums that vehicle owners have to pay), but it also prevents such vehicles being included in the set of uninsured vehicles which district offices examine when uncovering violations in the field of Motor Third-Party Liability insurance.
An uninsured vehicle not temporarily withdrawn by its owner from the Road Vehicles Register is practically indistinguishable from insured vehicles on the roads under standard conditions. Such a vehicle is discovered very often after damage caused by its operation. The temporary withdrawal of a vehicle from the Register therefore also fulfils an important socially preventative function by preventing traffic accidents.
In the event that a vehicle owner wants to temporary withdraw the vehicle from the Road Vehicles Register he must hand over plate number and registration certificate to the respective vehicle registration body together with an application for temporary withdrawal and at the same time submit the roadworthiness card so that the temporary withdrawal from the Road Vehicles Register can be marked in it.