Non-payment of the overdue premium
If the policyholder does not pay the overdue premium within the minimal time limit of 1 month as from delivery of the insurance company’s reminder for payment of the premium, the liability insurance expires on the day following the expiry of the time limit. The time limit set forth by the insurance company in a reminder may be extended by mutual agreement prior to expiry of this time limit.
When operating an uninsured vehicle on terrestrial communications the motorist exposes to the following risks:
- fines up to CZK 40.000,-
- permanent withdrawal of the vehicle from the Road Vehicles Register
- action by the Czech Insurers’ Bureau for the amounts of benefits paid out from the guarantee fund in the case damage is caused to someone else
It is therefore in the own interest of every motorist to pay insurance premium on time and in full or, in case of expiration of liability insurance, either to conclude a new insurance in time or to hand over the vehicle registration (plate) number and vehicle registration certificate to the respective vehicle registration body in whose Road Vehicles Register the vehicle is registered.
Also in case of expiration of liability insurance due to non-payment of the overdue premium the policyholder is obliged to return the liability insurance certificate and the green card to the respective insurance company.